Daily Bible Reading - Windows Phone 7

Daily Bible Reading - Windows Phone 7

I just submitted a beta version of my Daily Bible Reading app, for Windows Phone 7. The current app is only for Windows Phone 8 and is HTML-based (whereas the beta is native XAML/C#). I do find it, somewhat, humorous that it's "new", even though it's "old".

The first challenge was making the web connection to the Daily Bible Reading API (JSON). Then, I had to be able to grab the various bits of content (I started with just a standard alert). Then, I had to populate the pages with said content. I'm sure I didn't do it the best ways that it could be done (I'm looking at data templates, for the future), but it is working (and quite well, I might add).

Here are a few, cool, features that I'd like to see, in the future:

I also was able to create a live tile, for the app (I say create, because it isn't live until it does something). Unfortunately, it would only update if/when the app was launched (not automatically, with a background task). I think I may have the background task stuff working, but I won't know until tomorrow (the whole Daily Bible thing kind of means that it only changes, once, per day).